morning Dua’
rendered from arabic by mabid al-Jarhi
Oh God,
Guide us among those You have guided,
Protect us among those You have protected,
Shelter us among those You have sheltered,
Bless what You have gifted us,
Protect and exempt us from the consequences of the rules
to which You have destined us.
You judge but not judged,
Your enemies have no
Your allies never
How blessed and exalted are You our Lord
We pray for forgiveness and repent to You.
We ask You to give us what makes us worthy of Your mercy, the utmost of Your forgiveness, the grace
of all righteousness,
And safety from all sins,
We pray for Your satisfaction and Paradise and whatever
brings us closer to them, and we seek refuge from Your wrath and Hell and whatever
brings us closer to them.
Grace us with all goodness present and forward, known and
Protect us from all evil present and forward, known and
Give us the goodness of what You know,
Protect us from the evil of what You know,
Forgive us from all what You know,
For You are the Knower of the Unseen.
Give us every favor requested by Your servant and
messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him and Your righteous servants.
Protect us from every evil of which refuge in You was
sought by Your servant and messenger Muhammad, peace be upon him and Your
righteous servants.
We seek refuge in You from worry and sadness, helplessness
and laziness, stinginess and cowardliness, dominance of debt and subjugation by
We seek refuge in You from suspicion and discord, polytheism
and hypocrisy, bad manners, and the evils of ourselves and our deeds.
As You give Your servants without limits, survey all our
needs to You, which none but You can enumerate, as You know us better than
ourselves and You are the Knower of the Unseen,
Fulfill all our needs, which none can fulfill but You, as they
do not amount to a drop of the seas of Your grace and generosity, nor to an
atom of Your vast and great kingdom.
Make our homelands and all others’ safe,
Prevent the spelling of our blood,
Intercede for our reconciliation with each other,
Enable us to apply Your rules in all various aspects of
our life.
Protect us from despots, tyrants and military leaders,
their adherents, supporters, and all other oppressors, usurpers and traitors.
Enable us to replace them with ones we can choose and
depose at will, who apply Your rules in various aspects of our lives.
Treat our patients to full recovery,
Marry our daughters to righteous men,
Marry our sons to righteous women,
Protect us from poverty and idleness.
Almighty and all-knowing Lord,
Accept our prayers,
Forgive our sins by Your mercy,
Peace and blessings upon Prophet Muhammad, his family and
All praise is due to You.
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